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Los Angeles Laboratory Errors Attorney

Laboratory and pathology test results are an important part of information gathering undertaken by physicians to care and treat patients. Oftentimes, physicians order laboratory tests or submit material for pathology study. It is important that these tests and studies are performed properly and results are reported timely and properly.

When Medical Labs Make Mistakes

The Law Offices of Michael Oran, A.P.C., recognizes that families who are dealing with laboratory errors are working through a difficult time. Attorney Michael Oran partners with families to guide them through the legal process and help them receive the answers and reasonable compensation as allowed by law. He represents families in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California who suffered because of lab errors, including:

  • The lab conducted the wrong test
  • The lab or pathologist misread the results
  • The lab assigned the results to the wrong patient
  • The lab or pathologist mixed up blood or other samples
  • The lab or pathologist failed to timely and properly communicate results

Learn more about the service an experienced lawyer can provide by scheduling a free initial consultation. Individuals who retain the Law Offices of Michael Oran, A.P.C., work directly with Michael at every step of the process. Learn more about the support he can provide by contacting him through an online contact form or by calling 213-624-1177.

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