Experts Predict Pandemic-Driven Rise In Medical Malpractice Claims In 2022
According to medical and legal experts, it’s time to expect a surge of medical malpractice lawsuits. Now that the pandemic is starting to come under control, many professionals predict rising medical accidents and lawsuits about those accidents. But why? Many factors are in play: patients returning to medical facilities, doctors being overworked, and medical facilities […]
MICRA Modifications May Remove Medical Malpractice Settlement Caps
When it comes to medical malpractice, a single piece of legislation rarely affects the entire field at once. Many legislative works cover specific conditions or types of malpractice, not the concept as a whole. That’s why a new California ballot measure just approved for 2022 is so important. The ballot measure is intended to modify […]
3000 Mistakes: How a Single Impaired Doctor Ruined Lives
You trust your healthcare team to make crucial decisions regarding your life and wellbeing. Good medical professionals respect that trust. Doctors even take the Hippocratic oath: “I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm,” which is often summarized as “First, do no harm.” The problem is that not all doctors respect that. In fact, […]